The Life of John Lorne Campbell of Canna by Ray Perman

Tag: Margaret Fay Shaw (page 1 of 1)

A Woman of Letters

A letter in the post.  Not a bill or a fast food flyer but a real letter.  One of the lasting rediscoveries I have made in researching and writing John’s life is that letters are a great way of making and keeping contact with other people. And in the post, this is not just any letter. Read more

A short story for Valentine’s Day

There was an inevitability about the meeting of John Lorne Campbell and Margaret Fay Shaw; their paths and their interests had been intertwining for years. Several times they had been in the same place at the same time, but had not met until a wet night in 1934, when he took the Lochearn to South Uist to address a meeting of the Sea League.  Read more

‘There is even a raincoat over the end of the piano’

Before the hurricane struck, I was looking for words to end the old year or, since the clock was ticking, start the new one.  I found Margaret’s letter typewritten late at night during another storm-tossed Christmas.  At almost the same time I came across the December West Word, an action packed newsletter written by gas and candle light as the western highlands and islands recovered from a battering which felled trees, flattened outbuildings, lifted roofs and wrecked power and water supplies. Read more

A dram, a fag, a piper – here’s to a remarkable life full of music

Pictures of Margaret with kind permission of Kildonan Museum.

“Margaret Fay Shaw I always remember from a 100th birthday photo in the South Uist museum: fag in hand, dram on the arm of her chair!”

Memories, memories. With the anniversary of Margaret’s death coming up these pictures gain special significance. Martin’s comment – which I found quite by chance on the excellent Scottish Island Explorers blog – got me searching through pictures and memories of my own.  I had also seen that 100th birthday photo in the very fine Kildonan Museum on South Uist, or Comann Eachdraigh Uibhist a Deas in  Gaelic.

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